Thursday 11 July 2013

Hope you are all enjoying your break!

I have been super busy over the holiday's doing heaps to keep the kids amused so they don't bug the shit out of my everyday.
sleep overs, play dates, movies, shopping etc.
Can't wait until Monday when I can send them off to school!

This weekend I am going away with my local camera club and Lyn, to Wilsons Prom for a few days!
I am a little excited, as I never get a break without hubby and the kids and also I can practice some more landscape photography. This is an area I am not confident in and would really like to start improving my skills.

Here is a recent attempt at a landscape. Taken in Balnarring.

Need to STOP taking boring landscape images....

I will see you all Tuesday!
Have a great weekend!


Wednesday 26 June 2013

it's 1:28am ... and I am still up trying to finish my assignments which are all due tomorrow (or today) as you all know.

I am working on about 6 hours sleep in total this week, due to a sick little girl.

Let me tell you one thing I won't be finished, I need sleep.

So I will head off to bed and leave you with a image I took of the SUPER MOON the other night!


ps I couldn't even make 10 blog posts ......

Wednesday 19 June 2013

Are we all feeling the pressure?

I am slowing working through the last of my assignments..... and they are pretty much all the major ones... LOL

I have had to pretty much close my own studio down so I can complete this term, BUT I plan on being much more organised next term.


From a recent shoot ........

Saturday 15 June 2013

YES!, I know I am so naughty .... It's been 3 weeks since my last ...... anyway!

I have been super busy with moving house nearly two weeks ago, and I am still unpacking, the new house is really nice, but still so messy, hopefully over the holidays I will get things into order!

Right now all I have on my mind is finish editing the wedding photos (client), and complete ALL my first term and second term assignments.....

I am really far behind....

So last night I sat down and watched Alice in wonderland for the first time, and took many notes so I can start my Alice in wonderland college ..... So today I did this .....

Made my very own Mad Hatter Hat! ... What do you think?



Sunday 19 May 2013


How are we all going on our Burquas, Veils and Hoodies assignment?

Me?.... ok..

I thought I had designed the perfect idea in my mind, and also done a few drawings, for my staged photo shoot, but now I am feeling really stressed out that I have NOT met the brief......

Maybe I didn't really understand what I was meant to achieve?

I believe I set out on the path of how I saw the concept of the assignment
Too be honest I just don't know anymore, I think I lost my way.

I will say that I did put a lot of energy into getting it all together. :)

Its due tomorrow.

Just a little sneak peak of what I have done....


Tuesday 7 May 2013

What a Day.....

Today we had our very nervous photo shoot in Dandenong for our Burkua's , Veils, and Hoodies

I had everything planned out, and felt great leading up to today, BUT last night I just couldn't sleep, so many stupid dreams going around and around in my head all night!
I woke to RAIN! ARHHHH ....... Then I started to stress! I planned so much but never even crossed my mind that it could rain.. Just goes to show you can never be too prepared!

As you all know the weather turned out to be Great by the time we started shooting!

I really had a ball shooting my model in her outfits, and Natelia was AWESOME!

I am now a little worried my idea isn't going to be creative enough and I didn't really use my surroundings enough.... I am really unsure now, but I am happy I followed what I wanted I just hope everyone can see that in my final product!

I really hope you all had a great day/night also!

This is just a image I worked on over the weekend.....


Wednesday 1 May 2013

All set.......

I am all ready to go for Tuesday's shoot in Dandenong, I got a confirm from my model today!
If she couldn't do it I would of had to think of a whole new plan.

Now onto catching up with some homework!

b4n ........